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Funding a film is no picnic. I have been known to say I need a cheaper form of self expression. My first chunk of funding came from The Pacific Pioneer Fund - a fund dedicated to supporting emerging documentary filmmakers. They granted me ten thousand dollars - the largest amount given in a funding cycle. Finishing Funds were raised via Kickstarter - a crowd-funding platform which has funded more arts projects in its short existence, than the National Endowment for the Arts has ever. This is my "wall" of generosity - those who made this film possible from five dollars to ten thousand dollars. Thank You.


​The Pacific Pioneer Fund



The Southeast Deanery of the Diocese of the Rio Grande

Kimberly Beaven

​​Morgan Belford

​​Noni Colhoun

​​Barbara L. Sparks Federico

Robin Hodgkin

​​Christina Isacson

​​Michael L. Keleher



Brown and Kelly

Ted and Patti Howden

Susan McLaughlin

Sandy McLeod

Tricia Rissmann


​Allison Abbate

Lisa Abbott

Joanna Adler

Denise Allen

Ann Allison

Ann Andrew

Juan Carlos Andrews

True Archdale

Lori Bloustein

Joan Barnes

Sonali Beaven

Sherri Bensen

Tim Bensen

Anthony Bond

Bruce Boynton

Mary Bugnon

Christie Bundy

Aarin Burch

Seth Burgess

Shakti Butler

Rick Butler

Patti Cochran

Suzanne Collier Lakeman

Noelle Colome

Doreen Cotter

Amalia Cordova

Jill Cruse

Claire Davies

Veronica Davies

Kimberly Davis

Caryn Dickman

Mary Domito

Elizabeth Dowd

Marissa Duarte

Laura Duggan

Julia Eisenstein

Annouk Ellis

Zoe Elton

Andrea Emmerich

John Farnsworth

Lesley Fay

Pat Ferrero

Carolyn Finster

Cathy Fischer

Nancy Fishman

James Fishman

Brian Folkins-Amador

Marlena Freelove


​​Lila Galindo

Candyce Garrett

Donna Garrison

Diane Garst

Maurice Geldert

KT Graham

Lisa Grant

Fr. Tom Gray

Penny Griego

Lisa Gunther

William H. McNichols

John Halliwell

Suzanne Harkless

Donna Hart

Michelle Haycox

Anastastia Hayes-Piper

Pam Heaton

Tobin Heminway

Fin Hirschoff

Deborah Howden

John Howden

Hani Hong

Allegra Huston

Aaron Ibbotson

Judith Jenya

Mark Johaningsmeir

Lucille Johnson Earls

Kerin Jones

Leslie Ann Jones

Aponi Kai

Rochelle Karter

Marcia Katz-Johnson

Denise Kaufman

Karen Kaufman

Thomas Keleher

Rosa Kilgore

Peggy Kiss

Danieller Klausner

William Knight

Jill Kunishima

Donna Korones

Janet K. Kurtz

Helen McKeown

K. Laffan

Charlotte LaGarde

Sandra Lahey

Robbie Leeds

Bernie Linnartz

Susan Long-Walsh

Carrie Lozano

Will Lydgate

Trawin Malone

Suzanne Martens

Liz Marx

Demian McKinley

Sandra McIntyre

Tom Mierzwinski

Sylvia Milanese

Bill Millar

Sharon Molinaro

Deb Moore

Dean Moray

Sanaa Msemaji

Belinda Munoz

Kathy Namba

Tony Nash

Holly Near

Lee Nelson

Lenka O'Connor



​Peggy Orr

Patricia Padilla

Connie Palmore

Stephen Pappas

Ushi Patel

Nancy Pope

Dana Prichard

Susan Priolo

Patricia Quintana

Linda Ramsey

Robin Reese

Christiane Robbins

Christie Rothenberg-Healey

Emily Ruffin

Sheila Seclearr

Rebecca Senoglu

Melissa Serfling

Joanie Shoemaker

Osnat Shurer

M.T. Silvia

Penny Simi

Peggy Sindt

Todd Skiles

Geraint Smith

Mark Speight

Robbie Steinbach

Carla Steinberg

Dan Stevenson

Lu Stevenson

Chip Struckmeyer

Jane Stuehling

Linda Sullivan

Sean Sullivan

Thea Swengel

Christina Tavera

Beverly Teagle

Lisbet Tellefsen

Patricia Traynor

Gina Truex

Irene Turner

Gail Walsh

Willa Waring

Janet Waring

Keli Watts

Stephen Webber

Nancy Welch

J.Phelps White

Karen Williams

Clare Winterton

Summer Wood

Jo-Lynne Worley

Sala Wyman

Rob Zaborny

Vera Zaskevich

​The Family of Joan McAndrew Zak

All Saints Episcopal Church, Grants, NM

St. James Episcopal Church, Alpine, TX

St. Andrews Episcopal Church, Roswell, NM

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